I'm a postdoc at the University of Oxford (Department of Computer Science), hosted by Ján Pich.
Previously, I was a PhD student at the University of Warwick (DCS, FoCS), where I was cheerfully advised by Igor Carboni Oliveira. Even before that, I was a MSc student at the University of São Paulo (IME-USP, TCCO), where I was advised by Yoshiharu Kohayakawa. During that time I was also a visiting graduate student at the University of Toronto (CS, Theory), advised by Benjamin Rossman.
CV: [PDF, Google Scholar, dblp]
I'm broadly interested in computational complexity theory and its connections to mathematics and computer science. So far my research has focused on extremal and probabilistic combinatorics, circuit complexity and meta-complexity.
Office: Room 313, Department of Computer Science, University of Oxford. Email: bruno.cavalar@cs.ox.ac.uk