
  1. A Meta-Complexity Characterization of Quantum Cryptography
    with Eli Goldin, Matthew Gray, Peter Hall
    EUROCRYPT 2025
  2. Boolean Circuit Complexity and Two-Dimensional Cover Problems
    with Igor C. Oliveira
    ACM Transactions on Computation Theory (ToCT)
    [arXiv, ECCC, DOI]
  3. On the Computational Hardness of Quantum One-Wayness
    with Eli Goldin, Matthew Gray, Peter Hall, Yanyi Liu, Angelos Pelecanos
    Accepted to Quantum
  4. Constant-Depth Circuits vs. Monotone Circuits
    with Igor C. Oliveira
    CCC 2023
    [arXiv, ECCC]
    [MIAO seminar]
  5. Algorithms and Lower Bounds for Comparator Circuits from Shrinkage
    with Zhenjian Lu
    ITCS 2022
    Journal: Algorithmica 2023
    [arXiv, ECCC]
  6. Oriented Graphs with Lower Orientation Ramsey Thresholds
    with Gabriel Ferreira Barros, Yoshiharu Kohayakawa, Guilherme Oliveira Mota, and Tássio Naia
    EUROCOMB 2021
    Journal version: RAIRO-Oper. Res. 58 (2024) 3607–3619
  7. Orientation Ramsey Thresholds for Cycles and Cliques
    with Gabriel Ferreira Barros, Yoshiharu Kohayakawa, and Tássio Naia
    SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics, 2021
  8. Monotone Circuit Lower Bounds from Robust Sunflowers
    with Mrinal Kumar and Benjamin Rossman
    LATIN 2020 (Alejandro López-Ortiz Best Paper Award)
    Journal: Algorithmica 2022
    [arXiv, ECCC]
  9. Anti-Ramsey Threshold of Cycles for Sparse Graphs
    with Gabriel Ferreira Barros, Guilherme Oliveira Mota, and Olaf Parczyk
    LAGOS 2019
    Journal: Discrete Applied Mathematics 2021


  1. Complexity Theory of Classical and Quantum Computational Devices
    PhD thesis
  2. Sunflower Theorems in Monotone Circuit Complexity
    MSc thesis
    Best Master Thesis Award (Congress of the Brazilian Computer Society, CTD 2021) [ECCC, PDF]
  3. Ramsey-type Problems in Orientations of Graphs
    Undergraduate thesis
    Updated version: [arXiv]
    Old version: [PDF]